Ham Salad

June 1, 2007


Instead of ham biscuits one hot, summer morning, serve ham salad biscuits and watch everyone’s eyes light up. Nothing could be easier—or better—than this bare-bones recipe. I loved it at first bite. The only slightly tricky part is grinding the ham. The simplest solution is to make friends with your butcher. Baring that, you can use your mixer’s grinder attachment, in which case you should grind the olives along with the ham. Or mince the ham in a food processor. Be careful, though, not to turn it into baby food mush. You want separate little crunches of meat and olive. And speaking of biscuits, I know I promised but now I’m really promising: Buttermilk Biscuits ASAP. SAM

2 pounds cooked ham, ground
1/2 cup pimiento-stuffed green olives, drained and finely chopped
1/2 cup mayonnaise
Freshly ground white pepper to taste

In a large bowl, combine the ham, olives, mayonnaise, and pepper. Cover and chill. Make sandwiches or serve on biscuits or as a summer salad.
Makes 3 cups or 6 servings.